[. . . ] SOFTWARE User's Manual En Notices © 2008 Nik Software, Inc. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form, by any means, without Nik Software, Inc. 's prior written permission. Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of the hardware and software described in these manuals at any time and without any prior notice. nor Nikon will be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this product. [. . . ] It is recommended that you move the white point slider all the way to the left to match up with the right-most information from the displayed histogram. This adjusts the current image so that the lightest values in the image match the lightest value that can be displayed in a digital file. Exposure Compensation The Exposure Compensation slider provides control over the tonality of the image. Move this slider to the left to darken the entire image or move it to the right to lighten the entire image. Contrast The Contrast slider provides control over the contrast of the image. Move this slider to the left to reduce the contrast of the entire image or move it to the right to increase the contrast of the entire image. Highlight Protection The Highlight Protection slider recovers detail in highlights. While this slider works for both NEF RAW as well as JPEG and TIFF files, it is much more successful in NEF RAW files. This is because additional highlight information is stored within an NEF RAW file that the Highlight Protection slider can use when recovering highlight details. Move this slider to the right to reveal additional detail in highlight areas. Shadow Protection The Shadow Protection slider recovers details in shadows. Move this slider to the right to reveal additional detail in shadow areas. Saturation The Saturation slider provides you with control over the saturation of the entire image. Move this slider to the left to decrease saturation or move this slider to the right to increase saturation throughout the image. 138 Chapter 15 -- Edit List | Develop Section Camera & Lens Corrections Color Moiré Reduction RAW ONLY The Color Moiré Reduction tool enables you to apply a noise reduction process available only on RAW images. To apply color moiré reduction, click on the show/hide triangle and select one of the options from the pull-down menu. This process can reduce color moiré artifacts (color interference caused by regular overlapping patterns). You can control the strength of this feature from Off, to Low, Medium, or High. Image Dust Off RAW ONLY The Image Dust Off tool can reduce artifacts in the image created by dust which was present on the low pass filter, located behind the camera's lens. Because these dust particles create artifacts at consistent locations on the sensor, the Image Dust Off tool can register their location on the sensor in a reference image. The noise in subsequent images are compared to that profile and minimized. A Please note: The position as well as amount of dust on the low-pass filter may change. It is recommended that you take reference images regularly and use a reference image that was taken within one day of the photograph you wish to treat. To apply Image Dust Off, click on the Change button to locate an Image Dust Off reference photo to apply to the current image. For certain cameras that create Image Dust Off reference photos with the . NDF extension, such as the D2H and D2X, Capture NX 2 will attempt to identify a reference photo located within the same folder as the current image. · If Capture NX 2 locates an Image Dust Off reference photo in the current folder, you will be presented with the option of using that photo for the Image Dust Off process. If you select Yes, Capture NX 2 will apply the Image Dust Off effect using that reference photo. If you select No, you will be presented with a folder search window to enable you to locate on your computer's hard drive a folder that contains an Image Dust Off reference photo. · If Capture NX 2 locates more than one Image Dust Off reference photo within the same folder, you will be presented with an options dialog to select which image to use. It is recommended that you select the image that was taken as close to the time of the current image as possible. · If Capture NX 2 does not locate an Image Dust Off reference photo within the same folder as the current image, you will be presented with a folder search window to enable you to locate on your computer's hard drive a folder that contains an Image Dust Off reference photo. [. . . ] Sampling White Point or Black Point for the Current Channel By default, sampling sets the white point or black point for all channels and displays the master channel. To set the white or black point for the current channel only, sample the image while pressing Ctrl (Windows) or command (Macintosh). Mid-point cannot be sampled for a single channel; regardless of the channel currently selected, sampling the image for mid-point always sets the mid point for all channels and displays the master channel. Gamma Gamma (also written "") is a fundamental property of video systems which determines the intensity of the output signal relative to the input. [. . . ]